Jumat, 29 November 2019

Identifikasi Bangunan


sumber: Dokumentasi penulis

Kali ini saya akan mengidentifikasi salah satu tangga putar yang menurut saya sangat iconic. Bangunan ini berada di gedung CAS di dalam lokasi kampus ITB. Saya cukup sering melewati dan beberapa kali menaikinya karena penasaran dengan bentuknya yang unik dan sangat tinggi.

Setelah saya perhatikan, komposisi material mencapai 100% besi dengan pembagian sebagai berikut:
1. Besi wide flange (Kerangka) 30%
2. Besi plat (Pijakan kaki) 35%
3. Besi pipa bulat (Pilar dan Railing) 35%
4. Sekrup pengikat (Penyambung pilar)

1. Besi Wide Flange
Image result for besi wide flange
sumber: http://pramanadwijaya.com/produk/baja/wide-flange/
Besi WF atau juga Wide Flange sering digunakan dalam konstruksi baja. Besi WF merupakan salah satu besi yang memiliki kekuatan sangat tinggi pada kekuatan tekan ataupun kekuatan tarik. Tidak heran jika besi WF dijadikan salah satu elemen struktur dengan batas yang sempurna untuk menahan beban dan tarik, seperti menahan jenis beban tarik aksial, tekan aksial. Bahkan, besi ini memiliki kepadatan yang tinggi sehingga tidak akan terlalu berat dalam kapasitas muat beban tetapi memberikan bentuk struktur bahan atau konstruksi yang digunakan menjadi lebih efisien.

2. Besi Plat
Bentuk besi ini berupa plat atau lempengan yang memanjang sehingga mudah dibentuk dan difungsikan. Besi plat adalah besi baja yang biasanya digunakan dalam pembuatan perkakas. Ada banyak sekali perkakas yang bahannya dari besi plat mulai dari kendaraan tranportasi sampai peralatan rumah tangga.

Image result for besi plat
sumber: https://www.bursabajaringan.com/harga-plat-besi/
3. Besi Pipa Bulat (Galvanis)

Pipa baja galvanis adalah sejenis pipa yang dibuat dari besi dan dilapisi oleh pelindung terbuat dari bahan seng. Lapisan tersebut ditujukan untuk melindungi baja dari korosi sehingga penggunaannya lebih awet.
Dalam pembuatan pipa baja galvanis, dibutuhkan baja karbon rendah dengan lapisan galvanis yang mengandung berbagai jenis unsur di dalamnya. Unsur karbon yang terdapat pada pipa ini sebesar 0.091%, cukup rendah jika dibandingkan dengan unsur seng (Zn) sebesar 99,7%. Prosesnya memerlukan bahan baja yang ditempatkan dalam wadah berisi lelehan seng – seperti mencelupkan ke dalam cairan – yang disebut dengan proses galvanisasi.Selain untuk mencegah korosi, lapisan seng di bagian luar pipa juga bisa memperpanjang usia tabung di dalamnya. Karena unsur utama dari pipa galvanis adalah seng, jenis pipa yang satu ini disarankan untuk diaplikasikan untuk instalasi air dingin saja. Menggunakannya sebagai saluran pipa air panas dirasa kurang tepat.
Image result for besi pipa galvanis
sumber: https://www.bursabajaringan.com/harga-pipa-galvanis/
  • Tahan Banting
Konstruksi baja yang kuat membuat pipa galvanis antipecah dan sulit untuk dihancurkan. Selain itu, baja juga memiliki permukaan yang kuat dan membuatnya tahan lama.
  • Antikarat dan Hemat
Lapisan seng dalam permukaan pipa serta bagian dalam tabung membuat pipa baja galvanis antikarat. Dengan fitur tersebut, biaya perawatannya pun semakin hemat karena Anda tidak perlu menggantinya dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama.
  • Harganya Murah
Jika dibandingkan dengan jenis pipa lainnya, galvanis memiliki harga yang cenderung lebih rendah. Mengapa demikian? Hal itu terjadi karena proses galvanisasi yang dilakukan menghabiskan biaya murah ketimbang metode pelapisan lainnya.
  • Tahan Lama
Dengan sifatnya yang antikarat, pipa baja galvanis cenderung tahan lama dan awet. Diperkirakan, pipa jenis ini mampu bertahan sampai 25 tahun (di area perkotaan) sampai 50 tahun (di area minim polusi).
Nah, itulah beberapa hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang pipa besi galvanis. Pastikan untuk memilih jenis, ukuran, dan tipe pipa sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
4. Sekrup Pengikat
Sumber: https://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5a82c4d6dac13ea62f8b4568/biar-nggak-keliru-kenali-lagi-jenis-jenis-sekrup-dan-baut-berikut-ini/
Sekrup pengikat atau di kenal dengan nama sekrup berkepala (cap screw), jenis sekrup ini paling banyak di gunakan, biasanya sekrup jenis ini digunakan untuk mengabungkan dan mengencangkan dua objek. Pada tangga ini, sekrup banyak digunakan untuk menyambung dan mengencangkan bagian pilar tangga

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019



Jika kamu sedang membangun rumah, tentu beton bertulang kemungkinan besar ada pada bangunanmu terlebih lagi jika bangunanmu itu bertingkat. Tapi, apa sebenarnya konstruksi beton bertulang? bagaimana pengunaan serta fungsinya dalam keseluruhan struktur bangunanmu? Mari kita bahas lebih dalam lagi!Keunggulan Penggunaan Beton Bertulang

Sebelum mengenal apa itu beton bertulang, mari ketahui apa itu beton terlebih dahulu. Beton adalah konstruksi campuran dari pasir, kerikil ataupun batu pecah, dengan semen dan air. Beton memiliki nilai kuat tekan yang tinggi dan kuat tarik yang rendah,sehingga akan sangat mudah retak bahkan hancur saat ada tegangan tarik akibat beban, susut, hingga perubahan temperatur.Untuk memberikan kekuatan tarik pada beton, maka digunakanlah tulangan baja pada bagian dalam beton yang mampu memberikan kekuatan tarik yang tak dimiliki beton. Konstruksi inilah yang kemudian dinamakan dengan konstruksi beton bertulang.  

Beton bertulang (reinforced concrete) adalah struktur komposit yang sangat baik untuk digunakan pada konstruksi bangunan. Pada struktur beton bertulang terdapat berbagai keunggulan akibat dari penggabungan dua buah bahan, yaitu beton (PC + aggregat halus + aggregat kasar + zat aditif) dan baja sebagai tulangan


Karena kelebihan yang dimilikinya, maka penggunaan beton bertulang sebagai bahan struktur utama bangunan sangat populer. Beton bertulang lebih menjadi pilihan dibandingkan material lain seperti bambu, kayu, beton konvensional atau baja.
Material beton bertulang menjadi primadona konstruksi salah satunya karena daya tahan yang sangat baik terhadap air dan juga api. Umumnya saat terjadi kebakaran dan juga banjir, material beton yang padat mampu melindungi tulangan pada beton bertulang dari api dan air sehingga umumnya kerusakan hanya akan terjadi pada bagian permukaan saja.
Dibandingkan konstruksi lainnya, konstruksi beton bertulang juga lebih menguntungkan  dalam hal perawatan. selain mudah dan praktis, biaya pemeliharaan pun relatif lebih rendah. Durabilitas yang tinggi juga merupakan kelebihan lain dari konstruksi beton bertulang. Kontruksi ini terkenal akan keawetannya dan tahan lama dibandingkan dengan bahan lain. Dalam hal desain, fleksibilitas dalam pengolahan bentuk beton bertulang juga memungkinkan kita dalam merancang estetika bangunan sesuai keinginan .Dari segi biaya pembangunan, konstruksi beton bertulang yangdibuat dari bahan-bahan lokal seperti pasir, kerikil, air dan bahan lainnya menjadikan konstruksi beton bertulang cukup ramah di kantong.
Beton Bertulang


Namun dibalik kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh beton bertulang jika dibandingkan dengan bahan material lainnya, beton bertulang juga memiliki masalah yang dapat mengurangi keunggulannya. Diantara masalah yang sering dijumpai adalah masalah keretakan yang terjadi pada bahan tersebut. Keretakan pada beton bertulang dapat timbul pada saat pra-konstruksi dan pasca konstruksi.

Sebenarnya setiap beton bertulang yang diaplikasikan pada struktur bangunan pasti akan terjadi retakan, yang harus dipertimbangkan adalah apakah retakan tersebut dapat ditolerir karena tidak berbahaya atau retakan tersebut membahayan struktur bangunan secara keseluruhan. Keretakan pada beton bertulang ini disebabkan oleh beberapa hal, karena pengaruh dari sifat beton itu sendiri maupun faktor lingkungan luar yang mempengaruhi beton secara langsung.

Faktor -Faktor Penyebab Keretakan Beton Yang Terjadi Saat Pembuatan Beton Bertulang
1. Sifat Beton
2. Suhu
3. Korosi pada tulangan
4. Proses pembuatan kurang baik
5. Material yang digunakan kurang baik
6. Cara penulangan

Rabu, 27 April 2016

The Script - Hall OF Fame (feat Will.I.Am)

"Hall Of Fame"
(feat. Will.I.Am)
Yeah, you can be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest

You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock (yeah)
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You can go the distance
You can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile

You can be the hero
You can get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke

Yeah, do it for your people
Do it for your pride
How are you ever gonna know if you never even try?

Do it for your country
Do it for your name
'Cause there's gonna be a day...

When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion
On the walls of the hall of fame

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions
Be truth seekers

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

(Be a champion)
You could be the greatest
You can be the best
(Be a champion)
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest

(Be a champion)
You could beat the world
You could beat the war
(Be a champion)
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

(Be a champion)
You can throw your hands up
(Be a champion)
You can beat the clock (yeah)
You can move a mountain
(Be a champion)
You can break rocks

(Be a champion)
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
(Be a champion)
Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame 
Source: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/script/halloffame.html

"Hall of Fame" is a song by Irish pop rock band The Script. It is the lead single from their third studio album. The track features hip hop  artist will.i.am of The Black Eyed Peas. The track was given its first radio play on Capital on 23 July 2012. Written and co-produced by the band, the song is about following dreams and making an impact on the world.The song has been licensed for use in various media since its release.

The lyrics of "Hall of Fame" has a story in it which focuses on never giving up on your dreams. This lyrics was written by the lead singer Danny as reported in The Guardian "O'Donoghue's real metier is lyrics: he's a striking and emotional storyteller". Billboard describes the song as "a swelling, piano-driven number with an uplifting, earworm of a chorus that soars, 'Standing in the hall of fame / And the world's gonna know your name / Cause you burn with the brightest flame.The
lead singer, Danny explains that this song was about the band as he tells "the title is mostly about us. As any geek fan of the band could tell you, we're all extremely different people, but magic happens when you mix us together. Well, magic or a car crash, which is how we describe the songs we scrap. He also said: "We wanted to inspire people to stop trying to be famous for the sake of it.

"Hall of Fame" debuted on the Irish Single Charts at number one. The song stayed at number 1 in Ireland for 4 weeks. This marks the band's second number-one single and fifth top-ten hit in Ireland. The single debuted at number two on the UK Single Charts, before reaching number 1 a week later, marking The Script's first UK number-one single. It spent a second week at number one in the UK, blocking Example's "Say Nothing" and PSY's "Gangnam Style" from reaching the top spot. It has sold 529,000 copies in 2012, the 21st best-selling single of the year in the UK. In Australia, "Hall of Fame" peaked at number 4 on the ARIA Singles Chart, becoming their second top five hit there. The song was certified 3x Platinum in Australia. It also peaked at number 25 in the United States and was certified platinum there, and peaked at the same position in Canada. It has sold over 2 million copies in the US as of July 2013. It became their highest charting single in New Zealand, peaking at number 3 on RIANZ chart. It is the band's highest charting song worldwide.This song was voted as one of the top 11 Irish songs.

"This song give me a lot of motivation and energy to reach my dream"

Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Education To Build A Better Future

In era globalization, Indonesia still have a lot of education system problems. It is proved with a lot of student impish. Education system in Indonesia force the student to learn all school subject although they don’t like it. A lot of student get stressed because they need to do too many homework from all the school subject everyday. They almost have no chance to spent time with family in the weekdays because they need to learn more than twelve school subject.

A lot of student say, they aren’t a robot that can doing a lot of stuff everyday that make their rest time decreased. Most of them only have 4 hours a day for take a rest. Normally, people need rest 8 hours a day

We need to change the system to get the better future, some international school in Indonesia have different education system, they only teach what the student like to learn and student don’t need to learn the subject that they don’t like and don’t need for their future. With this system, the student will be more focussed on what they want and reach the best skill for their work. A lot of my friend in the school, agree about that system and they will have more enthusiasm for studying and reach their dream.

The teachers in the school need to have better communication with the student and be fun in the class, so the student don’t need to be lazy for study. A lot of teacher now that make their student bored and not interest to learn because the teacher was too serious.

Not only that, the school environment need to be comfortable for student to, the environtment need to be green and fun, if the environment was dirty and not maintenance well, the student won’t have enthusiasm for study.

The education system not only for study, the school need to give a motivation for student so they will do more effort to reach their dream. For giving the motivation to students, the school need to organize a seminar or something like that.

English subject in school is very important to, because English was international language that will help the student for looking job later. In this era, language was very important for communication with people from another country, if we don’t mastering fluent in English. The student should get a good score in the English test such as TOEFL or TOEIC so they will get the better communication to reach the better future.        

The last is religion education. This education very needed because success will reached by the help from god. School must teach their student obey to their god and always praying to god. Praying will make the student heart peacefull. Without religion, knowledge is nothing.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2016


The Aceh Tsunami Museum, located in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, as well as an educational center and an emergency disaster shelter in case the area is ever hit by a tsunami again.
The Aceh Tsunami Museum was designed by Indonesian architect Ridwan Kamil. The museum is a 2,500 m2 four-story structure; its long curving walls covered in geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark, narrow corridor between two high walls of water — meant to recreate the noise and panic of the tsunami itself. The museum walls are adorned with images of people performing the Saman Dance, a symbolic gesture dedicated to the strength, discipline and religious beliefs of the Acehnese people. From above, the roof resembles a tidal wave. The ground floor is modelled on the kind of traditional raised Acehnese houses that were best equipped to survive the tsunami.
The building acknowledges both the victims, whose names are to be inscribed on the wall of one of the museum’s internal chambers, and the surviving members of the local community.
In addition to its role as a memorial for those who died, the museum also offers a place of refuge from future such events, including an "escape hill" for visitors to run to in the event of another tsunami.
Exhibitions at the museum include an electronic simulation of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, in addition to photographs of victims and exhibits featuring stories from survivors of the disaster.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

My School Life

My School Life

This is my school life!

I woke up at 5:00 am and pray and then take a shower and breakfast. After that, I went to school and usually came early from other friends. Morning before study we usually chatting and playing or completing unfinished tasks at home, haha. The lesson begins with reading Qur'an and then study as usual.

In the first break time, me and my friends are usualy go to the canteen and buy some food or drink, then we talk about anything while the break time. After that we come back to our class and study again. We go home at 2:15 pm and get ready for the next day because the task and daily exam schedule is very busy.

My class has win the Nagabonar event in the school for the choir, we get a prize that we can use in our class. The next event is wall magazine and we hope our class will win again.

On Tuesday and Thursday i have an additional class, Tuesday for Economy and Thursday for English Class. I meet a lot of new friends and this clasmake me have more new knowledge. On Saturday, i have extraculicullar(Badminton) in afternoon, I like Badminton since i was  Elementary.

Rabu, 18 November 2015



Braga Street is a small street in the center of Bandung, Indonesia which was famous in the 1920s as a Promenade street. Chic cafes, boutiques and restaurants with European ambiance along the street had made the city to attain the Paris of Java nickname. The street starts from a T-junction with the Asia Afrika street (or De Groote Postweg during the colonial times to the north until the city council (balaikota), which was formerly a coffee warehouse.
The first name of the street was Karreweg. The city residents dubbed it Pedatiweg, from the Indonesian language of horse-drawn carriages (pedati), because it was a narrow street (about 10 m or 30 feet wide) that only carriages could pass through. The street was built only to connect the major Great Post Road with a coffee warehouse, owned by a Dutch coffee plantation owner Andries de Wilde (the warehouse is now the seat of the city administration or balaikota). In 1856, when Bandung was the capital of Priangan Regency, some colonial houses were built along the dirt road of Braga Street with their houses thatched with reeds, alang-alang grass or other straw materials.

In the 1900s, along with the Dutch East Indies government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung, the government included Braga Street into part of town planning. In 1906, the city council began replacing stone by asphalt and applying a new rule of designing new buildings at the street.Art Deco buildings began to decorate the street and about 50% of which are still present with their original architecture.
Starting from the south entrance, the Gedung Merdeka(Independence Building) stands at the corner, known as the venue of the 1955 Asian-African Conference. Built in 1895 as a clubhouse for the wealthy, the building was first named as the Concordia Society. The building was renovated twice in 1920 and 1928, the last of which was designed by two DUTCH architects, Van Galen Last and C.P.Wolf Schoemaker It is now used as a museum of the conference.