My School Life
This is my school life!
I woke up at 5:00 am and pray and then take a shower and breakfast. After that, I went to school and usually came early from other friends. Morning before study we usually chatting and playing or completing unfinished tasks at home, haha. The lesson begins with reading Qur'an and then study as usual.
In the first break time, me and my friends are usualy go to the canteen and buy some food or drink, then we talk about anything while the break time. After that we come back to our class and study again. We go home at 2:15 pm and get ready for the next day because the task and daily exam schedule is very busy.
My class has win the Nagabonar event in the school for the choir, we get a prize that we can use in our class. The next event is wall magazine and we hope our class will win again.
On Tuesday and Thursday i have an additional class, Tuesday for Economy and Thursday for English Class. I meet a lot of new friends and this clasmake me have more new knowledge. On Saturday, i have extraculicullar(Badminton) in afternoon, I like Badminton since i was Elementary.
Rabu, 16 Desember 2015
Rabu, 18 November 2015
Braga Street is a small street in the center of Bandung, Indonesia which was famous in the 1920s as a Promenade street. Chic cafes, boutiques and restaurants with European ambiance along the street had made the city to attain the Paris of Java nickname. The street starts from a T-junction with the Asia Afrika street (or De Groote Postweg during the colonial times to the north until the city council (balaikota), which was formerly a coffee warehouse.
The first name of the street was Karreweg. The city residents dubbed it Pedatiweg, from the Indonesian language of horse-drawn carriages (pedati), because it was a narrow street (about 10 m or 30 feet wide) that only carriages could pass through. The street was built only to connect the major Great Post Road with a coffee warehouse, owned by a Dutch coffee plantation owner Andries de Wilde (the warehouse is now the seat of the city administration or balaikota). In 1856, when Bandung was the capital of Priangan Regency, some colonial houses were built along the dirt road of Braga Street with their houses thatched with reeds, alang-alang grass or other straw materials.

Starting from the south entrance, the Gedung Merdeka(Independence Building) stands at the corner, known as the venue of the 1955 Asian-African Conference. Built in 1895 as a clubhouse for the wealthy, the building was first named as the Concordia Society. The building was renovated twice in 1920 and 1928, the last of which was designed by two DUTCH architects, Van Galen Last and C.P.Wolf Schoemaker It is now used as a museum of the conference.
The first name of the street was Karreweg. The city residents dubbed it Pedatiweg, from the Indonesian language of horse-drawn carriages (pedati), because it was a narrow street (about 10 m or 30 feet wide) that only carriages could pass through. The street was built only to connect the major Great Post Road with a coffee warehouse, owned by a Dutch coffee plantation owner Andries de Wilde (the warehouse is now the seat of the city administration or balaikota). In 1856, when Bandung was the capital of Priangan Regency, some colonial houses were built along the dirt road of Braga Street with their houses thatched with reeds, alang-alang grass or other straw materials.
In the 1900s, along with the Dutch East Indies government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung, the government included Braga Street into part of town planning. In 1906, the city council began replacing stone by asphalt and applying a new rule of designing new buildings at the street.Art Deco buildings began to decorate the street and about 50% of which are still present with their original architecture.

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015
Hello Visitors! now i'll talk about my school event called GAMARVANI
Ok, GAMARVANI is a spectacular event organized by SMAN 3 Bandung. Held on Saturday, September 19th, 2015 from 9.30 am untill 10 pm. Gamarvani featuring various performances of thypical Indonesian culture, especially in West Java. Not only that, but there are also typical of West Java games played.
GAMARVANI taken from the Sanskrit word, Gamar means the way and Parvani means to the moon.The theme of the event was took from Indonesian folklore, Nyi Anteh.
At the beginning of the show, we held a parade to promote Gamarvani, starting from Lapangan Bali, then to the town hall, and back again to Lapangan Bali. The participants of each class dressed in typical West Java clothes and compete to be the best from the other class. Class with the highest enthusiasm will get a prize.
For consumption during the event, the committee provides 12 foodtrucks and 15 food booths. Visitors can also take a rest in some venue that provided by the committee. For medical problems and pray room, the committee provides a wide place for visitors.
For entertainment, the organizers invited several local bands and also extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung, and for the ultimate entertainment, the committee invited Adera and Hivi as the guest star. Entertainment from the guest star make Gamarvani very lively at night.and finally GAMARVANI ended successfully and the visitors go home happily.
This is my story, what's yours?
Senin, 05 Oktober 2015
My New Friend!!!
Hello visitors...welcome back to my blog.My opinion,this blog is one of the best blog in this world :)
Now in my third post, I will talk about the new friends that I met in SMAN 3 Bandung.
He was Yazid Naufal R,he was my new friend that I met on the first meeting of my english class.He has good personality, always smiling, and very friendly to me.During that first meeting, we exchanged information about our personal lives. The first meeting we had together was fun.
Okay, Yazid Naufal R or usually called Yazid, was born on November 13th, 2000 in Bandung (14 years old now). He live on Purawinata Street no. 21 Bandung.He has one little sister and one little brother.Yazid appearance with slightly curly short hair, slightly slanted eyes, height about 165 cm, a thin body, and an attractive smile. HA HA
Yazid's hobby is to play rhythm games. He hopes to become a professional expert gamers later.Yazid favorite food is instant noodles like the other teenagers :D. His favourite subject is physics since math is too hard for him now haha. His class was X science 3 in SMAN 3 Bandung(this class is very compact for me).
The last of this post, I hope friendship with my new friend, Yazid will last forever.
Wanna see Yazid's face?
look for him on Facebook .LOL.
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015
Hello visitors ... My name is Fadel Samudra,teenager with a
big dream and likes dreaming.I was born on March 31, 2001 in Bekasi City,
Indonesia, a city that made my childhood colorful. I was 14 years old now and
has just entered one of the best high schools in Indonesia, SMAN 3 BANDUNG.Ooo
.. I want to be a pilot and successful entrepreneur.
My family has 4 members. A father, a mother, and two
children, including me.We stayed in Kawaluyaan Indah VII street no. 10a
Bandung. My father worked in one of the best airline company in Indonesia,my
mother as a housewife, a sister who still existed as a student at a state
university in Bandung,and I had just entered the higher level education, called
senior high school in Bandung city (SMAN 3 Bandung).
SMAN 3 Bandung, the first time I entered and studying in
this school was fun, at first I did not have any friends in my class because
there’s no friend who went to the same junior high school with me, but now I
already have enough friends in the same class and in another class.With the
best students and the best teachers, the school exceeded my expectations. The school
environment is smaller than some other schools, but it was enough to produce
the best students. All of the components in this school made me comfortable
learning at this school.

The last one on this post, the person who Inspires me is all
the people around me who have a positive impact, as the inspiration actually came from them. They real and around me. J
Wanna see my face?
look for me on Facebook .LOL.
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015
Google Driverless Car - Mobil tanpa Sopir
Senin, 08 Juli 2013
Pada saat kita menyaksikan teknologi iRobot, kita semua masih skeptis bahwa suatu hari mobil tanpa sopir akan menjadi kenyataan. Dan kini sekarang menjadi kenyataan, yang memprakarsainya adalah sebuah perusahaan mesin pencari terkenal, Google.
Dengan sumber yang masih menjadi rahasia, mobil tanpa sopir milik Google ini didukung oleh kecerdasan buatan yang memanfaatkan masukan dari kamera video yang terletak di dalam mobil, sensor di bagian atas mobil, serta beberapa radar dan sensor posisi yang melekat pada beberapa bagian yang berbeda pada mobil. Kedengarannya seperti usaha yang sangat keras untuk meniru kecerdasan manusia untuk mengemudikan mobil, tapi sejauh ini sistem yang telah dibuat telah berhasil berjalan sejauh 1.609 kilometer tanpa bantuan fisik dari manusia sedikitpun!
“Kita dapat mengandalkan satu tangan saja, namun masih diperlukan beberapa tahun lagi sehingga orang-orang biasa dapat mengemudikan mobil." Kata Pendiri Google, Sergey Brin. Inovasi adalah sebuah prestasi besar, namun konsumerisasi adalah masalah yang besar, Google saat ini menghadapi tantangan besar untuk membuat sistem dimana berlian berharga ini dapat dibeli dengan harga yang terjangkau namun tetap dapat memberi makan pekerja-pekerja yang sudah bekerja keras, serta tetap menghasilkan keuntungan untuk perusahaan.
Ini dia disain akhir dari mobil tanpa sopir dari Google
Posted on December 23rd, 2014 by Otakku
Bulan Mei lalu Google memamerkan mobil tanpa sopir mereka (self-driving car) tapi ternyata banyak dari kita yang tidak sadar bahwa mobil yang dipamerkan tersebut masih benar-benar purwarupa (prototype) yang setengah jadi.
Coba perhatikan di artikel kami disini, lihat saja ternyata lampu depan mobilnya hanya berupa stiker dan bagian atasnya juga belum terbentuk rapi yang merupakan sensor dari mobil tanpa sopir ini.
Kali ini sebelum liburan, Google akhirnya memamerkan kembali mobilnya yang sudah bisa dikatakan hampir sempurna dan beginilah bentuknya nanti mobil tanpa sopir ini kalau sudah mulai digunakan di jalanan.
Berbeda dengan sebelumnya, mobil ini sudah punya lampu depan yang sebenarnya dan bagian atas sudah punya bentuk yang lebih baik walaupun memang mirip dengan sirene mobil polisi.
Dari websitenya, sepertinya Google akan memamerkan kembali mobil ini di jalanan pada tahun baru ini.
Ini dia disain akhir dari mobil tanpa sopir dari Google
Posted on December 23rd, 2014 by Otakku
Bulan Mei lalu Google memamerkan mobil tanpa sopir mereka (self-driving car) tapi ternyata banyak dari kita yang tidak sadar bahwa mobil yang dipamerkan tersebut masih benar-benar purwarupa (prototype) yang setengah jadi.
Coba perhatikan di artikel kami disini, lihat saja ternyata lampu depan mobilnya hanya berupa stiker dan bagian atasnya juga belum terbentuk rapi yang merupakan sensor dari mobil tanpa sopir ini.
Kali ini sebelum liburan, Google akhirnya memamerkan kembali mobilnya yang sudah bisa dikatakan hampir sempurna dan beginilah bentuknya nanti mobil tanpa sopir ini kalau sudah mulai digunakan di jalanan.
Berbeda dengan sebelumnya, mobil ini sudah punya lampu depan yang sebenarnya dan bagian atas sudah punya bentuk yang lebih baik walaupun memang mirip dengan sirene mobil polisi.
Dari websitenya, sepertinya Google akan memamerkan kembali mobil ini di jalanan pada tahun baru ini.
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